Finally I am done with my EDC3100 Assignment 3


Finally this assignment is going to be my final assignment for BECH. Now I feel so happy that I am able to complete the whole journey with my hard work and with the help of my dear friends and lectures. Now I realize that trying is the best way to succeed and I am able to achieve my goal because I never give up. There are times in my life that I thought I better stop my studies but somehow I tried my level best to reach my goal, and today um so happy.

In future, I am hoping to study further more and to become a profession teacher who is capable of using ICT tools effectively in the classroom as well as in our daily life. By the way I realized that this course EDC3100 is very good bench mark to know more about ICT and how to incorporate it in our classroom. I will all my colleges for better future and thank you all for the great help and support.


ICT and Pedagogy


Teacher’s subject knowledge

The way ICT is used in lessons is influenced by the teachers’ knowledge about their subject and how ICT is related to it. Some teachers choose ICT resources that relate to a particular ,topic, while others use ICT to present the pupils’ work in an innovative way, without any direct application to the topic.

Access to ICT resources

An important influence on the use made of ICT in subject sand classes is the amount and range of ICT resources available to the teachers. Where there are limited numbers of computers in a class.

In this case I do  agree with Misheel Virik,s  blog post, environment plays and important role in supporting ICT.I also agree with her saying that environment will be the third teacher. Therefore as teachers it is our responsibility to create an environment where children and teachers can be easily access to ICT resources.

For more information on ICT and pedagogy please refer to this link below



The power of ICT in education study


Education is at the very core of economic development and a key to ending poverty. In the world economy today, every nation’s success depends on the education of its people. ICT will increasingly be at the center of the education process. ICT offers new and creative ways to combine classroom experience, home learning, global outreach, and connectivity of students and teachers to the burgeoning world of online learning. Classrooms everywhere, from primary schools to higher education, will be dramatically transformed in exciting and enriching ways (Tinio, 2003)

            Also after reading my friend Davala Lachymy’s   blog post,  I realized that the power of ICT is one of the most important tool that help us and our children  to develop our in the 21st  century. Also I agree with their  that the power of ICT which is inclusive to all individual.


Tinio, V. L. (2003). ICT in Education. United Nations Development Programme-Asia Pacific Development Information Programme.

E-Book online


Now a days due to the modern technology even the method of reading the books is different. However, still some people use the original books to read it. But now we can also read books through E-book online. E-book online is very helpful for me to do my assignments also I can read lots of books through E-Book online instead of buying the book to read. Now I feel like buying a book is a waste of money, also it is more difficult for me to take care of it.

Buying a  books is  very expensive, but with the help of E-book online we can save our time and money as well. We can read as much as we can and we don’t need to worry about money. But there are certain things that we need to think about when we are using E-book online when we spend long hours on starring at the screen it is bad for eyes. So we have t think of it while we use it. So it is very importation think of our health while we use these gadgets.

Also I agree with my friend Phoebe Goh blog post,   that buying a book to read is a waste of money if we really got the chance to explore reading through e-book online. I believe that it is more convenient method reading books. However some people might take some time t get to know about it. So this is the right time to try it on your own and to make the best use of it.





Making videos of students learning


From my previous learning experience I found out that making videos of students learning is very interesting for the students as well as the teacher. Furthermore it is not only considered as interesting it can also be used as a tool to support students learning and also it can be used as an evidence of students learning to show their parents.

 During my learning experience I used to take a lesson based on wind. I allow students to observe the wind from outside the classroom. During their observation I make videos of some student’s observation. After they came in I played the videos for them and students feel so happy to see videos of their learning. And they are willing to share their understating with others.

Also in another learning experience, I teach children how to make paper pinwheel. Students try to do it on their own with the guidance of teacher and almost all the children were able to engage in the learning. The most interesting part of this is by looking the student’s engagement in the learning. After they all finish making the pinwheel all students try in on their own and I make videos of it and showed it to them. This kind of learning experiences allows children to explore learning in more fun and interesting ways.


Interesting ways to use iPad in the classroom


  • Practice letter formation


Ifont maker allows you to create your own font using your finger. It puts a guideline for the shape on- screen and you draw your letter over the top.

  • Paint and draw


Brushes in one of the many software programs for the iPad that allows you to paint, draw, sketch and doodle.

  • Presentations


Ipad is perfect for instant presentation in the class or with a connector, whole school assemblies.

       Practice Math’s skills using super 7 HD  

Practice different Math’s skills by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing to combine numbers to get a 7.Connect numbers with your fingers. The more sevens, the higher the score. If a student goes higher than seven the game goes over. Fun adding and full of purpose

After introducing some of these things to students I found that it is really very effective for the students. Most of the students are very much interested to play iPad and as a result of this they learn things very fast. Also I found that with the use of ipad we can introduce the story maker for the students. Every child has different story t share and it is so unique way of interacting with children.


Help your child to set up a blog


Simplified blogging platforms and increased access to online information — even breaking stories like the Apple announcement — make it easier than ever for kids and other and other young bloggers to independently post to the web. And as they post, they’re also learning how to research, write and use a web publishing platform.

Parents should be thrilled by this educational opportunity. Unfortunately, they’re more often unsure of how they can help their children take advantage of it.

It doesn’t need to be daunting. To help their children get started blogging, she suggests parents follow these five simple guidelines.

  1. Learn about blogging you’re self.
  2. Choose an appropriate blogging platform for you’re child.
  3. Teach your child about safety and citizenship
  4. Enhance the educational experience
  5. Monitor what you’re child post online.


After reading my friend shafeenazsaeed’s blog, I found out that “is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. Kidblog’s simple, yet powerful tools allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within a secure classroom blogging community.please refer to the link below,


Teaching and modeling digital citizenship

Digital citizenship entails more than just protecting oneself. Incidents of cyber bullying and harassment continue to occur regularly, and some states are taking drastic measures to stop kids from harmful behavior like sexing.

Common Sense Media recently launched a free digital citizenship curriculum categorized by age. The curriculum includes both paper-based and digital activities and teaches online safety and Internet research skills in combination with ethics. Cyber Wise offers resources to help adults be more tech savvy so they can understand the power of the tools their kids are using and do a better job of helping their kids make smart choices online.

I would like to share and interesting video about digital citizenship,

After viewing the video I found out that is very important for the teacher’s parents and students to know the real meaning of digital citizenship and to make the most use of it. Digital citizenship helps them to navigate the information superhighway. It makes them navigate the information confidently and safely.

Using the technology of today in the classroom


Technology can have a reciprocal relationship with teaching. The emergence of new technologies pushes educators to understanding and leveraging these technologies for classroom use; at the same time, the on-the-ground implementation of these technologies in the classroom can (and does) directly impact how these technologies continue to take shape.

While many new technologies have emerged throughout history, so has the cry for educators to find meaningful ways to incorporate these technologies into the classroom. For example the effective use of computer, music, smart bored, digital games and so on. However, without these recent technologies in the classroom some lessons can still be achieved, but there’s a sharp disconnect between the way students are taught in school and the way the outside world approaches socialization, meaning-making, and accomplishment. It is critical that education  not only seek to mitigate this disconnect in order to make these two “worlds” more seamless, but of course also to leverage the power of these emerging technologies for instructional gain.

I would like to share an interesting video about technology in the classroom for today, tomorrow,


Also my friend Kathleenkan’s blog, she shared very interesting information about how teachers are actually using technologies in the classroom room. Also she has given us ideas on how to improve our teaching pedagogies by incorporating ICT into students learning.




Klopfer, E., Osterweil, S., Groff, J., & Haas, J. (2009). Using the technology of today, in the classroom today. The Education arcade.


Modern technology


Now a day’s people are so much depend on the modern technology. In many houses they used to have computers, phone, TV, laptop, I pad, game and many more. Also the children seem to be very much addicted to these things. For example they can stay for hours playing different games and also they spend hours to watch cartoons and other films. This is very common in most of the countries. It is not only  happening  for the children even the adults they spend so many hours to watch movies, face book, chatting, on phone  so on.

Most of the people use internet. When we use internet we have to make sure how secure are we. Sometimes we don’t read the information carefully we just click whatever it comes. Due to this reason some time we may click on the viruses and our computer get infected by these viruses. Therefore it is very important to read and understand before we click on anything’s.

After reading my friend Tengku’s blog, I realized that it is very important to take my time to read the manuals and understand it. If not sometimes the files get infected with viruses and it will take lots of time and money to repair it again. So before we use internet it is very important to think of our internet security and think of how secure are we?